LinkedIn wanted one of the world’s biggest gaming brands to spend more on their platform. They had the research, the stats, and a motivated sales team. But they needed our help opening the door to establish their credibility and land the big pilot deal.

The gaming brand misunderstood the value of LinkedIn as a channel for reaching current and potential customers. They thought LinkedIn was all business.

To combat this, LinkedIn got research to prove that 55 million LinkedIn members are both professionals and gamers, many ready to spend $$$. The challenge was engaging and convincing a skeptical customer that LinkedIn had something they wanted.

Our creative concept illustrated the overlap between professionals and gamers.

We created interactive sales enablement tools for the LinkedIn team, with custom data and narrative points.

81 percent

of LinkedIn gamers use LinkedIn at least once per week and are more engaged than LinkedIn’s general member base.


Then we pinpointed the stakeholders and printed 3D avatars of each of them from the LI profile and surprised them with a direct mail prior to the big meeting.


The results speak for themselves. But we'll let the clients tell you. LinkedIn scored points and landed the pilot deal.

GG's all around.

“Just finished the client call. They loved it! Your team did such an amazing job,we really, really appreciate it.”

LinkedIn Gaming Lead